Wednesday, February 29, 2012

ACT Lecture: Bruce Yonemoto ?Re-representations and Simulations ...

MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology

Spring 2012 Monday Nights Lecture Series

Experiments in Thinking, Action, and Form


Monday, March 5, 7p

Re-representations and Simulations

Bruce Yonemoto, Professor of Studio Art in Video, Experimental Media, and Film Theory,?

University of California, Irvine

In conversation with Stephen Prina, Professor of Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University


Bruce Yonemoto works within the overlapping intersections of art and commerce, and the gallery world and cinema screen. Yonemoto juxtaposes cultural material from different international communities, such as those of the Japanese Americans, Nipo-Brasiliero, Peruvian Quechua and Hollywood communities. The photographic series North South East West focuses on the erased history of American Civil War soldiers of Asian descent. Yonemoto?s collaboration with Dr. Juli Carson deals with the discovery of the real and poetic convergence between two distinct phenomena in Argentina: the site of one of the few growing glaciers in the world and one of the last regions where Lacanian psychoanalysis is practiced. Most recently, Yonemoto?s work was exhibited at the ICC in Tokyo, the Kemper Museum in Kansas City, and the St. Louis Museum of Art.


ACT Cube, Wiesner Building (E15-001)

20 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA | MAP


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About the Lecture Series


Art, culture, and technology. What is the potential of such an intersection in the present? Being cognizant of historical and unusual crossings while exploring more profound investigations and productions suggest experiments in thinking, action and form. Questions raised by pursuing this matrix lead to a variety of histories of the present, the combination of official and unofficial versions throughout the world; animated by examination and reflection these histories may be transformed by creation.

It is easily possible to feel indifference toward the ?merely interesting.? In response to what can appear as a perpetual state of ?interesting? spectacles and data flow, the invited speakers address these paradoxes of living. Their presentations and discussions will serve as opportunities to grapple with productions, conditions, and perspectives that can stimulate other kinds of responses. The speakers will not invite smooth or easy receptions of the aural, visual, or spatial operations with which they are engaged, but will, in contrast, raise questions from the perspective of producers and analysts about present and past forms of being and production.

Ren?e Green

Director, Associate Professor

MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology


Upcoming Lectures


March 12

Archipelago Logic: Towards Sustainable Futures

Taru Elfving, Artistic Director, Contemporary Art Archipelago (CAA), Finland


In conversation with:

Ren?e Green, Associate Professor, MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology

Gediminas Urbonas, Associate Professor, MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology

Nomeda Urbonas, ACT Fellow, MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology

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April 2

Playback: Broadcast Experiments 1970 and Now

Gloria Sutton, Assistant Professor, Northeastern University, Boston


Respondent: Jo?o Ribas, Curator, MIT List Visual Art Center

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April 9

Projects and Protocols: Conventions on Art and Technology

Muntadas, Professor of the Practice, MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology

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April 23

Sound and Semiocapitalism:?

Affective Labor and the Metaphysics of the Real

Michael Eng, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio

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BluntDinerz Food and Drink Blog. Las Vegas Dining Scene-Cocktail ...

4130 S. Sandhill Rd.?

Mom and Pop With No Mom Keeps Pop Poppin'

It was a long trip from Bangkok to Cairo but I made it and boy was I hungry when I got there. Filfila Mediterranean Cafe on Flamingo and Sandhill sounded perfect and, although borderline surreal, the little place seemed pretty cool. There are some large round tables in the front corners of the dining room that sit low and are adorned with cushions so people can just chill hard on plush pillows and chow down. I've always wanted to eat like that.?

Other than one dude who was intensely focused on the foreign program playing on the TV very loudly, there was nobody in there. In fact, for a minute I thought dude watching TV was the person who worked there, and was just waiting for a commercial to come on. By the dirty look he gave me when I walked in, and his refusal to speak to me, both when I said "hello" upon meeting his mean eyes, and when I said "excuse me" as I walked in front of the TV towards the counter, it really gave me the impression that he didn't speak English, and I interrupted his Arabian soap opera.

I heard a sound from the kitchen and was relieved to know I wasn't alone in the place with Mr. Sandals. I spent the next twenty minutes taking pictures and hanging out until the person from the kitchen came out with Mr. Sandal's food. He was surprised to see me. Another good five minutes went by while the bill had to be fixed. Mr. Sandals was overcharged it seems, and that made me remember the review I read that mentioned the same snafu. The writer of this particular review was disappointed because he did some reading before visiting and saw reviews that mentioned funny charges on the checks. Mr. sandals was pissed but he was cool. Every time he said "it's OK" his voice went up about three octaves. The kicker: Mr. Sandals had a Texas accent and spoke perfect English.?
When I was greeted by the person from the kitchen, it was a warm greet with a big friendly smile. The gentleman is named Wadi and he is the owner and sole employee, evidently. It seems his family can't help him anymore and he can't find any good help at the counter. The last employee gave away sodas and spent a lot of time nose picking according to Wadi. The dude did look like he had been working his ass off for a week straight, but he was as accommodating as he could be.
I ordered a gyro and a 'fool' plate. Read about this wonderful middle eastern dish here.
Wadi asked me if I was eating in or out and I told him I could take it to go if he needs to close up, but he wouldn't hear of it. He went back to make my food and I settled into Mr. Sandals chair to watch some foreign TV.?

Foreign TV sucks worse than domestic TV.

Wadi came back out a couple minutes later and asked me if I wanted my fool plate traditional or like "how we eat it" ? I says, "How do you eat it."?
"With tomato and very spicy." Wadi says.
I tell him I don't like tomato too much and please don't make it too spicy because half of this is for my wife's lunch.
"OK, I make with no tomato, and really spicy." Was his reply. Then he was off to the kitchen. Stuff gets lost in the language barrier. What can you do?

Luckily, all he did to make it spicy was to put a handful of roughly chopped jalapenos on top which were easy to eat around and their presence alone was enough heat for me. Wadi's fool plate was good though. There was no mint like the menu stated, but it was good nonetheless. Hearty and rustic with a nice creaminess from the tahini and a very filling dish if you eat the warm crusty pita bread that comes with it.

The Gyro was delicious and fresh tasting. Excellent tzatziki sauce, and Wadi gives you a big sandwich with seasoned fries. He told me to stay as long as I'd like, and I watched some Egyptian cops bust a gnarly bunch of black market wig dealers, or something. The gyro was very good. I'm a bit of a gyro connoisseur and I have my favorites, but Filfila does a fine job.?

Overall, I come out with a favorable impression of Filfila, but I'm afraid Wadi wouldn't be able to handle any real business by himself. I too had weird charges on my bill, and Wadi's English takes a lot of patience to understand. I hope he can find an employee that suits his needs and makes a success of Filfila. Although there are better Mediterranean restaurants around, I still think Filfila should stick around. Let me know if you've been here before and what your experience was like.



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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Obama hails auto bailout, hits back at GOP critics

(AP) ? President Barack Obama proudly embraced his auto industry bailout Tuesday, telling a raucous labor audience that assertions by his Republican presidential challengers that union members profited from taxpayer-paid rescue are a "load of you know what."

Obama delivered a politically sizzling and staunchly pro-union speech to the United Auto Workers just as voters in Michigan, a center of auto manufacturing, went to the polls to cast their ballots in the state's Republican nominating contest.

In a campaign style setting, union president Bob King praised Obama as "the champion of all workers" who "saved our jobs and saved our industry," an introduction that elicited chants of "Four more years!" from a crowd estimated at about 1,700 UAW members.

The speech was part of an Obama strategy to steal some of the political limelight from Republicans on the same days that states hold their GOP primary votes or caucuses.

In highlighting the auto industry's comeback, Obama drew a distinct contrast with Republican presidential candidates such as Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum, both of whom have said they would not have used government money to save General Motors and Chrysler.

Obama's speech came as auto sales are surging, on a pace to exceed 14 million this year. Auto makers and parts companies added more than 38,000 jobs last year, with industry employment averaging 717,000 for 2011. And automakers have announced plans to add another 13,000 jobs this year.

Romney on Sunday said Obama favored the UAW in the bailout and that the president was "paying off the people that supported him."

Obama did not mention the Republican presidential contenders by name, but he left no doubt they were his targets.

"You've got folks saying. 'Well, the real problem is, what we really disagreed with was the workers, they all made out like bandits; that saving the American auto industry was just about paying back unions,'" Obama said. "Really? Even by the standards of this town, that's a load of you-know-what."

He noted that under the agreement to use taxpayer money to save GM and Chrysler, union members had to agree to reduced wages and that thousands of retirees saw reductions in their health care benefits.

"But they're still talking about you as if you're some special interest that needs to be beaten down," Obama said.

Despite the not-so-veiled references at Republican presidential contenders, the White House insisted Obama's remarks were not a political campaign speech, but rather a policy address about the state of the auto industry.

"These are substantive policy issues that affected hundreds of thousands, even millions of Americans," White House spokesman Jay Carney said. "And they're very worth speaking about, as president."

The Republican Party weighed in, doubling down on the claim that in authorizing the bailout Obama was simply doing the bidding of labor. "This is an insider deal for his union cronies who got billions in bailout money and are now backing Obama's re-election campaign," said Kirsten Kukowski of the Republican National Committee.

In his speech, Obama cast himself in heroic terms, saying he ran to "make the tough calls and do the right thing no matter what the politics."

In fact, Obama was not alone. Before Obama took office, President George W. Bush, faced with a reluctant Congress, directed more than $17 billion in emergency loans to GM and Chrysler in his final weeks in office. Bush demanded that the companies reduce their debt, negotiate wage and benefit cuts with workers and submit plans to achieve long-term viability.

In a veiled shot at Romney, Obama also said some critics wanted to "let Detroit go bankrupt." But Romney never used that phrase, though it was the headline on a November 2008 opinion piece he wrote for the New York Times. In that opinion piece, Romney called for a managed bankruptcy that would restructure the companies by letting them "shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs."

In his article, Romney added: "The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk."

The president sought to portray himself as a longtime ally of labor, recalling his days as a community organizer working with steel workers who had been laid off when their plants shut down.

"That still drives me today," he said, reiterating a line he uses in political campaign events. "So I'll promise you this: as long as you've got an ounce of fight left in you, I'll have a ton of fight left in me."

Obama also announced that his administration will crack down on unfair trade practices worldwide, a popular theme with labor and a counterpunch to Romney's tough-on-China rhetoric. Obama was signing an executive order creating an Interagency Trade Enforcement Center.

The office will expand the administration's ability to challenge unfair trading practices in China and elsewhere and coordinate enforcement activity across several U.S. government agencies. Obama's most recent budget proposal asks Congress for millions of dollars for the new enforcement center and more U.S. inspectors in China.

Associated Press


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Colombia's FARC announces halt to kidnapping (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - Colombia's main rebel group said Sunday it is abandoning the practice of kidnapping and will soon free its last remaining "prisoners of war" — 10 security force members held for as long as 14 years.


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Monday, February 27, 2012

The Best Home Based Mostly Business For Single Mothers - Forex

To illustrate I?m a single mom who has had it with the day job. My debt is beyond belief. I?ve no time to spend with my youngsters or family. I?ve learn the Wealthy Dad Poor Dad books and determined that I now not wish to commerce time for cash however I don?t know on easy methods to get started in my own home based business or the way to become an entrepreneur. What do I do?

Well there are successful home based enterprise plans out there to single mothers who wish to construct wealth that are already arrange, operating and making enormous profits. And the wonder is they are in search of other single moms to accomplice with and are keen to help them develop their business. These companies assist different achieve their goals, so in case you?d be the type of particular person that will be keen to assist others achieve their targets too, this could be proper for you.

(If you are struggling financially and are looking for a plan b to fix your financial situation than I suggest you check out either the organo gold review business opportunity or the visalus business opportunity today.)

How straightforward would it not be to start one among these? Most of these companies have a very low entry price, from $30 ? $200 and a low monthly participation value, about $150 ? $300 per thirty days that might be earned back inside just a few weeks or months. Revenue potential is unlimited. You do have to work at it to get there and they are not get wealthy fast schemes. But the quantity of work that you put in over time in comparison with the quantity of reward possible is so completely different that this type of business can be thought of truly leveraged. Plus, you develop a piece plan suited to your own schedule.

You get to see your kids through the day for those who want. A majority of these enterprise make the most of present trends like distribution, baby boomers, the well being care and wellness industry, plus the shift from the economic age to the information age driven by the internet. This is the right storm of entrepreneurship and suited to single moms. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are ready to be made, now and in the next a number of years.

Learn ?The Next Millionaires? by Paul Zane Pilzer or ?Wealthy Dad?s Business College for Individuals Who Like Serving to People?. These books are great assets for the type of enterprise I?m about to tell you about. What?s it? It is direct sales or network marketing. ?Oh my gosh,? you say. ?I am unable to sell anything.? Neither can I however I can be taught what it takes to grow to be a millionaire actual fast. One of the first things that come to mind when the phrases network marketing are talked about is the previous model of making a list with all your friends, family, acquaintances, folks you see walking down the road, folks you do not even like and everyone that has an occupation that you can imagine ? then calling them. Yes. This could be although of as scary by most. And apart from scary, it?s not that productive. Where is it written that perfect strangers even care who you?re not to mention are curious about some whacky business or product you are attempting to promote?

This is not to say which you could avoid speaking to folks in network marketing, on the contrary. You wish to talk to individuals and show them how straightforward it?s, but you don?t wish to talk it into people. You want individuals to return to you and ask to be shown. And the way is it that the web which is related to literally billions of people is not essentially the most superior software for finding new folks? Inform that to the listing makers.

How do you get people to come to you? It is called attraction marketing and primaryally you grow to be a desired power or professional in a specific area of interest and other people need to learn from you. At the moment they?re open minded enough to hear and take into account your proposal, network marketing, as a viable enterprise opportunity for them. It takes time, however contemplate the choice of working till you?re sixty five and retiring on half your salary and having your children live at home with you while they go to community college.

There are over 1,600 network marketing firms around. Some are a lot better than others. Watch out because a few of the companies will maintain you hostage for six months with a non-compete clause which means you?ll be able to?t legally be part of every other program or they can sue you. Do your research. Speak to people who are energetic in plans. Pick the best payout after which have the person who indicators you up enable you to to attain success. They will be joyful to assist as a result of your success improves their success. You could find the best home based enterprise for single mothers with some research and by speaking to people. A lot of persons are keen to assist you.

Aaron Mullings has mastered the art of mlm lead generation and teaches people in my video talk and monavie how to generate leads for their business. If you have a home based mlm business than you can visit his website to get free tips at

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Journeys (Creative Writing) | NY Essay

It?s now been a year since that horrific day. The day that my negligence and irresponsibility ended the life of the one whom I loved the most, Anna. It was the night after our final HSC exam, and we were on our way back from a party. It feels like it was just yesterday, the sound of her voice pleading me to slow down. I can never forgive myself for what happened and it will haunt me for the rest of my life. If only I had listened to her, all of this wouldn?t have happened, and my girl friend would still be alive today. All I can do now is embark on a journey of retrospection, regretting and reliving the worst day of my life: ?


?Ben, slow down, I think you are going way too fast!? said Anna.

?Calm down Anna! It?s not like I?m going to crash or something!? I replied.

Anna tried to reiterate, ?Ben, please slow down! It?s just that you?ve had a few drinks at the party too. I?m getting a bit scared. This is how accidents happen!?

?Don?t worry Anna! I?m

a highly skilled driver. I have total control. When you?re in the car with me, you are as safe as safe can be!?


*End of Flashback*

As I turned my attention back to the road, our car crashed head-on with a massive truck! I was drunk and didn?t realise how fast I was going. I was just an eighteen year old boy who thought he had control over absolutely everything. In the end, I was wrong; she wasn?t safe in the car with me!

A few hours after the crash, I remember waking up in the hospital with bruises and wounds all over. Despite being in pain, I was able to shove of the nurses who were keeping a watch on me, because there was only one thing on my mind and that was Anna. I rushed myself out to of my ward to find Anna?s parents sitting outside a room with the door closed. Soon I learnt that Anna was in a very critical condition and the doctors were trying everything to keep her alive. ?I?m really sorry! I?? I said crying and struggling to speak. Her mother came over?


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Student Stress Relief Techniques | Self Improvement Blogs from ...

Examination time brings a whole lot of stress with it however you also need to know some stress reduction techniques. Slightly stress is always better. It nudges you to prepare yourself for the coming flood of exam questions. But it?s essential to take care that ? this little nudge never topples you down. Vital stress might disconnect you out of your day by day life. Many are pushed to the verge of making an attempt drugs and alcohol.

College students are an integral a part of our society. Being a accountable citizen we cannot push the younger blood into oblivion. They?re the assets to the success of any country. So if you are the father or mother, someone concerned or a student yourself I might recommend read correctly and try to implicate these stress busters into your schedule.

These stress reduction strategies are positive that will help you on your option to success in life. You need to always remember that a student is with faculty, studies, tuition, sports and joint research always. There is little time to incorporate some overseas methods to alleviate stress.

That?s why it?s applicable quick, and related to enjoy the journey from the very start. The following Student Relief Techniques are grouped together:

1st. Power Naps

Have power naps for stress relief. When you always work up your mind for knowledge it begs to take rest. In truth naps provide help to to get extra productive within the lengthy run.

2nd. Visualizations

Visualization is a guided imaginary tour to your most endearing dreams. Chill out your physique and give your mind some comfortable time when you make the tour.

3rd. Exercise

The healthiest way to for stress reduction is by exercising. Exercising works up your body and forces the body to release endorphins and cut back the extent of cortisol ? a stress hormone.

4th. Respiration Exercise

Respiration exercise is the easiest way? coupons to win over stress. It?s a must to take deep gradual full and pure long breath in. This calms you down inside minutes and you are clear to suppose straight and logically.

5th. PMR

Progressive Muscle Relaxation or PMR is a technique that you could practice before going to bed. This technique entails constantly relaxing and tensing all the muscle tissue of your physique till you?re completely relaxed.

6th. Music

Different music has totally different results on a person. Some music relieves you while others encourage you. Some assist you to pay attention and work better. You must determine your individual style of music to help you beat stress. Bear in mind music is a superb stress relief.

7th. Staying Organized

Have a clear and a properly-organized place of study. The extra you calming and soothing impact it has on you the extra confident are you going to get whenever you begin with a specific work.

8th. Eat Proper

Meals is the useful resource to keep you going. It?s the energy vault which when used in the suitable way can enhance your stamina and focus to an unknown top and calibre.

9th. Self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is an efficient power productiveness tool. You may launch stress and acquire stress relief to your thoughts and body. Get to a calming place and continuously play in your thoughts a aim that you?ve got stored for yourself.

Leon Edward helps people in Personal and Career Growth, leadership Development, Goal Setting, Success, Motivation, Self-Improvement, Happiness, Memory Improvement, Stress Reduction and more through his articles, blog posts and special reports . Join Leon Edwards Awesome Success Free, Get his personal success, development and growth weekly newsletter as well as success classics and tips on attracting success and wealth. Visit his Success-Leadership Library, Articles at Leon Edward also helps people improve IQ, focus, memory, concentration, creativity, speed reading, public speaking , time management and reducing stress. Download his IQ Mind Brain Memory Self-Help library at his website http://www.IQMindBrainLibrary.comLeon Edward helps people improve in Leadership Development, Goal Setting, Success, Motivation, Self-Improvement, Happiness, Memory Improvement, Stress Reduction and more through his articles, blog posts and special reports . Join Leon Edwards Awesome Success Free, Get his personal development training, success and growth weekly newsletter as well as success classics and tips on attracting success and wealth. Visit his Success-Leadership Library, Articles at

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Direct Mail Marketing Strategies ? Profitable Tips For Serious Business

Experience has shown me direct mail marketing is among the best ways for pretty much any small business to get fresh business through the door as well as increase sales to its existing customer base.

The challenge is business owners tackle it in totally the wrong way. A productive direct mail marketing campaign is not just a matter of sending off some random note or postcard through the post and trusting it to result in a deluge of sales.

So to make a success of your direct mail small business advertising, you must stick to the rules. These rules have been proven to be sound over a century and a half of experiment.

They are not rules as in regulations you have to abide by ?or else?, but rather are guidelines which have been found empirically to give higher quality results (i.e. higher Return on Investment, or ROI).

Unfortunately, almost all direct mail campaigns are assembled by people who are simply not up to the job. Most commonly it?s graphic designers, and although they may be wonderful at developing tasteful things, they are not often experienced in direct advertising. Your piece might just seem first-rate, but so what if it?s not making you any money?

I warn you: your graphic designer and printer will detest this guidance I?m offering you, and will tell you it?s not going to work. If they do then, just tell them you?ll split-test their variation against yours, and the loser pays for the entire mailing. Get them to stick their money where their mouth is. Here are a couple of simple suggestions I suggest you try out in your direct mail marketing, and just see the difference they make.

Rule # 1: Don?t shout ?ADVERTISING?

Huge blunder coming up: most direct mail advertising looks like just what it is: mass produced, abstract sales patter in a low-priced envelope with a snazzy logo on the front. This is a really awful idea..

How so? Well, it?s plain to anybody it?s just something sent by some buffoon wanting to take your money off you. Who wishes to read that? Where?s the value to the reader and why would he or she throw away her time with it?

Rather than doing this, invest in some proper ?personal? envelopes, get them hand-addressed or make use of a good handwriting font, and then stick on a real stamp from the Post Office. Yes, it?s a touch more inconvenience and a little bit more expensive, but the extra responses will more than repay your cost.

Whenever you must have a return address on it, simply put your address in the top left corner ? no company name, no logo.

This is automatically going to mean even more people will in fact open your direct mail advertising pieces. Obviously, when they?ve opened it, they?ve got to read it then reply.

Rule # 2: Write like a real human being

This is in direct contrast to the direct mail marketing pieces you get daily, I ?d put money on it. Most of them have no obvious reason even for existing ? I presume the nitwit creating them waxed lyrical about ?brand? or something. But developing your ?brand? doesn?t by itself make you money. Brand follows and because of service.

You should write your direct mail advertising pieces in just the same tone as you ?d write a letter to a favored aunt or uncle. Forget about being ?professional? or keeping to the rules they taught you at school. Simply write like you speak, and you won?t go far wrong.

Aim your whole piece at highlighting one problem and one problem only, by giving a big, impressive promise in your headline. Then, in the body of the piece, tell them you CAN remedy it, and then tell them JUST HOW they can get hold of this miracle solution you have. To put it otherwise, you need a focused and impossible-to-miss call to action, like ?Ring me on 00000-000000 NOW and reserve your free meeting? places are restricted to the first 7 callers, so if you?re the eighth person to call, you?ll miss out?. Easy as pie.

If you take note of and really abide by the principles I?ve shared with you here, you will see much improved results, that I can promise.

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Pursonality Plus ? Blog Archive ? Radiant Floor Heat And Your ...


All through the ages, humankind has sought to remodel a wide variety of structures into heat, inviting environments the place household and friends might comfortably gather. Presently, home homeowners strive to please the human senses by way of engaging aromas, coordinating colors, velvety textures, and even stress-free music or sounds of nature. In recent years, a revolutionary appeal to touch has been developed creating a new stage of luxurious throughout the home. This radiant flooring warmth system is protected and sturdy, versatile in application, remarkably efficient, and maybe, most essential, soothing and splendid to all beneficiaries.

Low-voltage radiant flooring heat ensures not solely consolation, but in addition a way of safety understanding that even wet lavatory floors are secure to the touch. By means of computer know-how, radiant flooring heat techniques are monitored continuously for correct temperatures, run computerized self-checks, and are programmed to shut off below abnormal conditions. Along with safety, many of these heating merchandise are marked by unmatched durability and a 25 yr limited warranty that?s unavailable wherever else in the heated flooring market. Radiant flooring warmth is solid state, that means there are not any shifting parts requiring conscientious maintenance. For almost 30 years, these merchandise have been totally examined and improved to provide the very best quality, longest enduring leads to the industry. Eradicate upkeep concerns and revel in the advantages of soothing, heated flooring, resting assured of the reliability of the source.

In addition to withstanding the check of endurance, radiant heated floors are also famous for their versatility in assembly quite a lot of customer needs. Heated floors could also be installed by trained professionals for many who recognize the finished product more than the process. Different merchandise provided goal ?do-it-your self? lovers who need labor savings or discover fulfillment in being closely involved in home improvement projects. Furthermore, radiant flooring heat is flexible in its coverage abilities. It might be successfully put in in small lavatory areas or throughout a whole house relying on the specified outcome. For some home homeowners, heated floors provide a nice, supplemental heating supply whereas for others, it serves as an efficient various to compelled-air heating units. Finally, versatility lies in its capability to be put in in connection with new development tasks, transforming plans, or simply beneath present floors. With out creating unnecessary build-up, radiant flooring heat products are successfully positioned beneath any assortment of ground coverings together with carpet, tile, hardwooden, vinyl, marble and other stone varieties. A calming layer of warmth is then efficiently transmitted by means of the floor and into the air above.

The efficiency of radiant flooring heat comes from its capability to remodel 100% of the energy consumed to run the system into warmth output rising directly into the rooms through which it is installed. As a result of the heating aspect is evenly distributed all through the surface area, the warmth is emitted persistently and effectively warms flooring, furnishings, and people-all located in the decrease portion of the room. This avoids the power that?s lost with air- vent, heating systems through which the warmest air escapes to the ceiling areas causing a necessity for thermostats to be raised to compensate for the loss. Homes employing radiant ground warmth as either a supplemental or most important heat supply are extra environmentally pleasant and environment friendly on account of their elevated use of power consumption.

Radiant flooring heat serves many sensible purposes together with an absence of upkeep by means of durability, versatility in software, and energy effectivity, however maybe its greatest enchantment is that of consolation and effectively-being. Imagine the enchantment of watching a blizzard exterior whereas stepping onto cozy, kitchen tile to make a soothing cup of scorching cocoa. Envision warm, inviting hardwooden flooring where babbles of pleasure emanate from kids contentedly discovering life. In a traumatic and quick-paced world, indulge the senses with the luxuries they deserve. Permit excessive-quality, radiant ground warmth merchandise to enhance that calming sense of heat and security that radiates at home.

For knowledge with respect to electric floor heating, swing by Aimee Q Strate?s internet site instantly.

Tags: heated floors


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Friday, February 24, 2012

Managed Computing Business - IT SE19 Solutions, Consulting 2011 ...

computing IT SE19You will find several causes why a firm should really seriously take into account hiring managed IT SE19?services to help move their business forward. Without a maximized workflow and optimally functioning technology, a company could shed beneficial info via difficulties that may possibly arise. No matter what size corporation you are coping with, ensure you think about finding a service which can assist you using the heavy lifting. Unless you are going to begin an in-house IT department, you?ll must think about enhancing your business with an outsourced tech team. You can find three major factors why deciding upon an outside IT corporation is a superb choice.

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Much less Operate, More Efficiency ? The primary reason why you will want a service of this type is since it will mean much less perform inside the long term. Your tasks won?t be associated with technology, and rather your company can move forward with relative ease. In-house staff often instances have extra work to do than just concentrate on the managing of technological advances, which can sometimes bottleneck particular aspects of infrastructure. By removing that element, and getting a service, you might assure that business enterprise is moving forward at all hours of the day as well as night if have to have be.
The aforementioned factors are just a few examples to think about when deciding regardless of whether or not to hire an IT business for computer system assistance services. Services are varied and you?ll find a whole lot additional arguments each for and against hiring outsourced IT providers. The above are just a number of causes that need to aid maintain you motivated in hiring a team that is definitely currently working in technology, as an alternative to wanting to develop a ?dream team? for oneself. You could spend month right after month trying to determine who to select to come on board and assist together with your tech demands, or you can let the experts manage your demands with relative ease. By hiring an outside firm, you are going to also be saving a tremendous quantity of dollars that would otherwise be spent on an in-house IT SE19?department. The long-term savings will trump the expenses that you would need to invest in finding and forming a appropriate team to manage all tech help. Outside firms have encounter and staff to manage any and all needs that arise, so your enterprise is covered.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

India's dragflickers grateful to Jugraj for improving penalty corner ...

New Delhi, Feb 12

Drag-flicker Jugraj Singh, now 28, would have been at the peak of his international hockey career had it not been for a life-threatening accident that put him out of competitive hockey in 2003. He is still a part of the national team but as a key figure in the support staff, fine-tuning the skills of the present lot of drag-flickers.

A freak road accident in Jalandhar eight years ago ended the blossoming career of Jugraj. The penalty-corner specialist emerged as an iconic drag-flicker at a time when Indian hockey was struggling to find an answer to Pakistan's Sohail Abbas and Dutch legend Taeke Taekema.

A self-taught penalty-corner specialist, Jugraj is happy passing on the tricks of the trade to Sandeep Singh, V.Raghunath and Rupinder Pal Singh.

India coach Michael Nobbs and the drag-flicker trio feels Jugraj's association with the team since the 2010 Azlan Shah Cup has helped them immensely.

Jugraj doesn't want to delve too much into the past and for him helping the team to qualify for the 2012 London Olympics remains the lone target.

"I can't look back in my life. Obviously if the tragedy hadn't happened, I would have been at the peak of my career by now and preparing myself to play in an Olympics. It is every player's dream to play in the Olympics. I can't turn the clock back, I have to move on. I am grateful to god for giving me a second chance," the burly Jugraj told IANS at the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium where the Olympic hockey qualifiers will be held from Feb 18.

Jugraj is also helping the team cope with the situation after conceding a penalty corner. He spends hours on a bowling machine directing balls towards the defenders in the goal.

"The bowling machine comes handy, though we get around 80-90 km per hour, around 30-40 kmph less than the speed at which the ball travels in a match situation. But the drill helps the defenders to use their reflexes to keep the ball out. The main problem about the bowling machine is that it is very accurate and predictable whereas in a match you don't know which way the ball will dart," said Jugraj.

Jugraj had words of praise for India's trio of drag-flickers and picked out Rupinder Pal to become a top drag-flicker.

"Rupinder is very accurate and works hard on his variations. A good defender's strength is his anticipation and Rupinder is good at it. He will be the player to watch out for," said Jugraj.

Rupinder wants to master Jugraj's signature style of drag-flick that was a treat to watch. Jugraj used to pull the ball back and go round before slamming it in.

"That is something that I have been working on. Variations are very important in converting penalty corners. Jugraj's signature style used to take the defence by surprise," said Rupinder.

Sandeep said since Jugraj took over India's penalty conversion rate has improved to 70 percent.

"Jugraj has been working hard with all the defenders and now we have a fair rate of conversion, which is around 70 percent. He also tells us how to handle pressure situations," said Sandeep.

Raghunath said Jugraj has also been working with the defenders in negotiating with drag-flicks.

"He was a daring defender. Rarely have we seen defenders rushing out to stop a shot. But during his days he has taken shots in his body as well. It is extremely painful. His experience in stopping penalty corners is helping us a lot," said Raghunath.

Jugraj says he keeps himself updated with the latest techniques in hockey by sharing notes with his mentor Bram Lomans of the Netherlands.

"Lomans has been my childhood idol. I am still in touch with him and we discuss the latest trends in drag-flicking. I share notes with Abbas and Taekema as well," he said.

India coach Nobbs said having Jugraj as an assistant has reduced his workload.

"Jugraj would have been a star player in the team had it not been for that accident. But he is still a part of the team and is helping out the boys," he said.

(Abhishek Roy can be contacted at


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Saturday, February 11, 2012

New spring events held by Sports and Recreation club | The Exchange

by Kyle Soule
edited by Alicia Baldino

Due to the lack of snowfall, the Sports and Recreation club was forced to change the lineup from outdoor events like skiing and snowboarding, to other events this spring.

Instead of snow related sports, there will be the highland games such as twosome, a challenging obstacle course that involves carrying another person through it. ?Other spring events will be announced as weather permits.

Carty calls this winter the warmest he?s ever witnessed here on campus. ?This is probably the most mild winter I?ve had in the past ten years,? said Doug Carty, Director of Campus Recration.

Freshman Hilbert Sterns said, ?Although the mountains are creating snow, the conditions could be better?. ?I have been snowboarding since I was eight years old and hope to go at least one more time before the end of the season.?

One alternative event is the Frozen Finger Fest of Fury, a rock climbing competition. ?On February 23, the event will be held in the adventure recreation lounge, open to all students. ?The course will include small sections equivalent to a small car garage making up a ring structure. ?The goal is to be the last person climbing. ?There will be over 700 different climbing holds. Each hold will be marked by a piece of colored tape to help identify which areas to grab.

Carty explained the impact of this upcoming event. ?The bullring cave in the adventure recreation lounge, I think, is the best kept secret on campus.?

Spring intramural leagues are also beginning. ?The sports will include five-on-five basketball, indoor soccer, floor hockey, and dodge ball. ?Students interested still have time to sign up; however, they may suffer an automatic loss for the first games due to late entry.

(Photo: Kyle Soule)

(Photo: Kyle Soule)


For more information, read the bulletins posted in the bubble, or contact Doug Carty at


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Friday, February 10, 2012

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Roxy Regional Theatre explores Relationships with Hilarious ...


Roxy Regional TheatreClarksville, TN ? The Roxy Regional Theatre takes on the truths and myths behind that contemporary conundrum known as ?The relationship? with the hilarious musical revue ?I Love You, You?re Perfect, Now Change?, opening Friday, February 10th, at 8:00pm.

Directed by and featuring Ryan Bowie, along with Heather Anderson, Josh Bernaski and Ashley Laverty, this celebration of the mating game explores the journey from dating and waiting to love and marriage, and reveals the agonies and triumphs of in-laws and newborns, trips in the family car and pick-up techniques of the geriatric set.

"I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" opens Friday, February 10th at the Roxy Regional Theatre.

"I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" opens Friday, February 10th at the Roxy Regional Theatre.

Through the lyrics and music of Joe DiPietro and Jimmy Roberts, ?I Love You, You?re Perfect, Now Change? pays tribute to those who have loved and lost, to those who have fallen on their face at the portal of romance, and to those who have dared to ask, ?Say, what are you doing Saturday night??

The performance on Saturday, February 11th, is part of our ?Martinis at the Roxy? evening.? Beginning at 6:30pm, patrons will enjoy drinks complemented by a menu featuring antipasto, smoked salmon, shrimp cocktail, blackberry chipotle chutney served over cream cheese, fruit skewers, and an array of desserts including raspberry tiramisu bites, sparkly cheesecake-stuffed strawberries, brownie turtle bites, red velvet cake balls, and bite-size chocolate chip cookies. The performance of ?I Love You, You?re Perfect, Now Change? will follow at 8:00pm. Tickets for this event are $50.00.

The cast of "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change", (L to R) Ryan Bowie, Heather Anderson, Ashley Laverty and Josh Bernaski.

The cast of "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change", (L to R) Ryan Bowie, Heather Anderson, Ashley Laverty and Josh Bernaski.

?I Love You, You?re Perfect, Now Change? runs February 10th through March 3rd, playing Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:00pm and Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00pm, with a 2:00pm matinee on Saturday, February 18th.

Tickets are $20.00 (adults) and $15.00 (ages 13 and under) and may be purchased online at, by phone at 931.645.7699, or at the theatre during regular box office hours (9:00am to 2:00pm, Monday through Friday). Friday, February 10th, is our regular pay-what-you-can night; all tickets not pre-sold at the regular ticket price go on sale at 7:30pm for whatever price you wish to pay.




Ashley Laverty, Clarksville TN, Heather Anderson, I Love You You're Perfect Now Change, Jimmy Roberts, Joe DiPietro, Josh Bernaski, Martinis at the Roxy, Roxy Regional Theatre, Ryan Bowie

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

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Additional Information:

My sister suffered a pretty bad injury after a motorcycle accident on Route 9 in Leicester.? She was riding on the back of her boyfriend?s motorcycle when a car hit them.? With it being a motorcycle accident vs. an auto accident, are the laws or personal injury case settlements any different?? Do we need a personal injury lawyer who specializes in motorcycle accidents?


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Staff removed at LA school during abuse probe

Ivis Urbina, right, with her granddaughter Alexa Agillon, 6, protest with others outside Miramonte Elementary school in Los Angeles Monday, Feb. 6, 2012. About three dozen parents and supporters staged a protest at the Los Angeles-area school rocked by allegations of lewd conduct crimes by two teachers against children. They demanded greater communication with education officials and the placement of cameras in classrooms and hallways at Miramonte Elementary School. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Ivis Urbina, right, with her granddaughter Alexa Agillon, 6, protest with others outside Miramonte Elementary school in Los Angeles Monday, Feb. 6, 2012. About three dozen parents and supporters staged a protest at the Los Angeles-area school rocked by allegations of lewd conduct crimes by two teachers against children. They demanded greater communication with education officials and the placement of cameras in classrooms and hallways at Miramonte Elementary School. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Yolanda Sanchez talks about what she describes as documented child abuse of her son, outside the Miramonte Elementary school in Los Angeles, Monday, Feb. 6, 2012. About three dozen parents and supporters staged a protest at the Los Angeles-area school rocked by allegations of lewd conduct crimes by two teachers against children. They demanded greater communication with education officials and the placement of cameras in classrooms and hallways at Miramonte Elementary School. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies stand outside Miramonte Elementary School in Los Angeles Monday, Feb. 6, 2012. About three dozen parents and supporters staged a protest at the Los Angeles-area school rocked by allegations of lewd conduct crimes by two teachers against children. They demanded greater communication with education officials and the placement of cameras in classrooms and hallways at Miramonte Elementary School. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

FILE - TO GO WITH ABUSOS COMUNIDAD - In this undated police booking photo released by the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department shows former Los Angeles teacher Mark Berndt, 61, who was arrested for felony molestation of 23 kids after photos surfaced. Berndt been charged with committing lewd acts with 23 boys and girls ages 7 to 10. AP Photo/ Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, file)

Dalia Gutierrez wears the coat of her attorney, Luis Carrillo, not shown, before announcing a claim for alleged abuse suffered by her daughter at Miramonte Elementary school in Los Angeles Monday, Feb. 6, 2012. Teacher Mark Berndt, 61, who worked at the school for 32 years, has charged with committing lewd acts on 23 children, ages 6 to 10, between 2005 and 2010. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

(AP) ? The entire staff at a Los Angeles elementary school is being removed while authorities investigate horrific allegations of sexual abuse by two of the school's teachers, one of whom is accused of blindfolding children, taping their mouths and photographing them in a classroom.

Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent John Deasy said Monday night that more than 120 staff members at Miramonte Elementary School ? everyone from the principal and teachers to the cafeteria workers ? were being replaced because a full investigation of the allegations will be disruptive and staffers will require support to get through the scandal.

"We intend to interview every adult, every adult who works at that school, whether they are a teacher or administrator, or whether they are an after-school playground worker or a custodian or a secretary. I mean every single solitary adult who works at Miramonte," Deasy said to parents who packed a high school gymnasium.

An entire staff has been selected to come into Miramonte's classrooms to take over teaching for the time being, and there will be a psychiatric social worker in every classroom to help students and staff cope with any issues.

All employees will be paid during the investigation, district spokesman Tom Waldman said. Officials didn't know how long the investigation would take.

"The last thing I'm worried about is a budget issue," Deasy said. "The No. 1 thing I'm worried about is the students."

School officials canceled classes on Tuesday and Wednesday as a cooling-off and transition period, Waldman said. All current staff members will report to another location, where they will be interviewed, he said. The new staff will report on Thursday.

Deasy emphasized that all new staff members being brought into the classroom went through a "very rigorous screening process."

He added Miramonte staff members are having a difficult time understanding this situation.

"I'm mostly overwhelmed by how grieved they are, how upset they are, how broken their own personal trust is. In many ways, they are victimized too," Deasy said. "They taught in this school for years and assumed everyone else was doing good things."

United Teachers Los Angeles said in a statement that union leaders and staff have met with instructors at Miramonte.

"We support a thorough, vigorous and fair investigation of all allegations," the statement said. "It's everyone's responsibility to ensure that any and all allegations are thoughtfully and carefully investigated."

Miramonte parents were happy to hear the news first from the superintendent. They have complained bitterly that they weren't informed about the yearlong investigation. Many heard the sordid details on news reports or from the TV crews camped out at the school's entrance.

School officials said they deferred to sheriff's detectives, who asked them not to divulge details that might affect their investigation.

Maria Jimenez, 51, said the parents are divided over the decision to remove the school's 88 teachers and 40 other staff members.

"Some are in favor. Others are against it because they did this without advising us or consulting us," she said.

The decision follows the arrest of two longtime Miramonte teachers: Mark Berndt and Martin Springer.

Berndt, 61, was charged last week with committing lewd acts on 23 children, ages 6 to 10, between 2005 and 2010. The acts cited by authorities include blindfolding children and feeding them his semen in his classroom, in what children were allegedly told was a tasting game.

Berndt, who worked at the school for 32 years, remains jailed on $23 million bail and could face life in prison if convicted.

Springer, 49, was arrested Friday on suspicion of fondling two girls in his classroom. He was being held on $2 million bail.

Springer taught at Miramonte for his entire career, which started in 1986, the district said. He taught second grade. The school board is scheduled to discuss firing him in a closed-door meeting Tuesday.

Investigators said they know of no connection between the Miramonte cases. Berndt and Springer know each other and took their classes on at least two joint field trips in the past decade, according to the Los Angeles Times.

More than a quarter of the students at Miramonte were absent from school Monday while parents demanded more protection at the school, with attendance reaching just 72 percent, according to figures from the Los Angeles Unified School District.

About three dozen parents and supporters protested in front of the main doors of the school earlier Monday, some carrying a banner that read, "We the parents demand our children be protected from lewd teacher acts."

As night fell, about 100 angry parents marched from the elementary school to the nearby meeting with administrators.

School police watched and sheriff's deputies were on hand, but there was no violence.

The district set up a toll-free hotline on Monday to receive reports of suspected abuse at Miramonte, said school board President Monica Garcia in a statement.

Garcia added that the district would step up efforts to ensure students and staff realized the importance of reporting misconduct.

In the same school district, a janitor at a San Fernando Valley elementary school was arrested on suspicion of committing a lewd act with a child on a campus.

Paul Adame, 37, was taken into custody after a mother told police on Sunday that he had inappropriate contact with her child during school hours Friday at Germain Elementary School in the Chatsworth area north of Los Angeles, police Capt. Kris Pitcher said at a news conference.

The captain declined to provide details but urged anyone who might know of other possible victims to contact police.

Adame was booked and released on $100,000 bail Monday. It could not be immediately determined if he had an attorney.

There was no immediate connection between the arrest of the janitor and the cases at Miramonte, which is 15 miles away in an unincorporated county area of South Los Angeles.


Associated Press writer Robert Jablon contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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